Monday 2 July 2012

Canada Day here and there

Last night a killer storm full of hail, lightening and thunder blasted through here and I watched in horror as it pounded away on my new little garden.  But...we survived , the pansies took the worst hit, but they will recover, and we move on.
We move on to the smashing success of the Potato Barrel!

Now, I'll admit this probably isn't the most elegant potato barrel you've seen.  It's an abandoned metal garbage can with holes punched in the bottom for drainage.  I followed the instructions, obediently putting a few inches of soil and compost in the bottom, then the potato seeds and then covering them with more dirt - the deal is every time green appears, cover them again.  And now, like layering a lasagna - green, dirt, green, dirt, -  the green potato leaves  finally have fought their way to the top of the barrel.  I'm that proud!  Hopefully there will be a wonderful potato harvest come September. 
It's Canada Day Weekend.  The Bow river is still extremely high and the colour of chocolate milk, so most of our lovely paths by the river are under water much to Libby's dismay.  We persevere though and she comes home wet and full of sand from dipping herself in the edge of the water, diving for rocks to bring me.  Dear silly little border collie dog. 
It's time to go and light the new barbeque.  Steaks and baked potatoes on the barbie for supper tonight, and fresh salad greens from the garden.  Happy Canada Day!

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