Sunday 20 January 2019

Vision Boards

I was invited to a party to make vision boards.  I have to say, I worried about this all week and then, last night was the night.  Truthfully, I'm still not sure what I accomplished, but...I made a board.

We all did actually..   and.....
I visited with the other people attending,, met new people - some wonderful women-, in a very nurturing environment at "Maker Place", Diane Gibson's lovely new Oliver store.

I had prepared, probably over- prepared - with a sort of desperation, all week, in anticipation of the evening to come.  I made notes in my journal, combed through magazines, wandered through google and Pinterest.  I guess this shows the state of my mind these days.
\And then, with the sounds of the room around me,, the visuals of the overloaded table, a glass of champagne at my elbow, I tentatively started, gluing, stenciling, cutting out aphorisms and sticking them on my board.

"Believe, explore the possibilities, be conscious",  stenciling on the tree of life and gluing on a wooden butterfly,  gluing a picture of an ordinary chair sitting covered with plants in a garden- because I love to garden.

And a mantra - "The past is past, the future hasn't happened yet.  Right now is where I need to be"

Did the whole experience give me any insights?  No idea.  Was it fun - yes! 

When I looked at the completed board I must admit I was surprised at what it said and how it said it.  Did I do that?  Obviously. 
And I did it in a room full of friendly, nurturing women guided by Diane.  How could we lose.