Monday 31 December 2012

And a Very Happy New Year too

The clock is ticking down to the last second of 2012 and onward we go, rushing toward the total unknown of 2013.  Will it be a good year.  Well, it will be interesting for sure.  I'm reminded of an ancient Chinese curse which goes something like this "May you live in interesting times".  We certainly do.  We dodged the end of the world bullet...of course.  We'll dodge it again - no doubt.  It's inevitable in these times of uncertainty and paranoia that blanket the world.  The US is trying to dodge it's fiscal cliff while the rest of us wait to see if we will be dragged yet again into their mess. 
And meanwhile, I knit endlessly on this gigantic afghan I've committed myself to, and which I thought would be finished and fringed by now.  Endless rows of garter stitch, six rows of a colour.  They are gorgeous colours, mind you, a joy to look at. Good thing!  I check the basket to see if the supplies of wool are going down.  Well, they are, but I'm not at the finish line yet.  Soon I hope.
Today, on this last day of the year, the sun is shining on my little world, making the snow sparkle like faerie dust has been sprinkled over it.  A Chinook is upon us and has warmed  the temperature to a balmy zero degrees.  Yippee.    
Our Christmas celebrations full of family, opening presents - boys playing endless games on X-box, watching movies,  stuffing ourselves with big meals, mulling wine for our Boxing day open house and filling the house with the scents of spice, candle wax, pine and turkey roasting.  It was three busy days of preparation and festivities and by the 27th, I was more than ready to spend much of my day in bed or on the chesterfield, wrapped in a blanket in the company of a good book.   Even Libby was quiet, ready to snooze away the day in a dark corner.
 So, today I acknowledge the passing of this, funny, strange 2012 year with a walk by the river, a good movie with perhaps a split of champagne to share at the magic moment when the clock turns over.  

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