Thursday 16 May 2013

The Garden Apprentice, stage one

The 4 x 4 raised garden beds have been constructed, and layers of garden waste, newspaper, compost,and good garden soil have been laid in the best Lasagna tradition.   I have to inject a note of thanks to Bella and Midnight for providing most of the fertilizer.
They have done an splendid job, and continue do put out, so to speak.  They take their job very seriously.
But, back to the 4 x 4 garden beds.
Once the layering was complete, I divided the spaces into one foot squares

I was actually amazed to see the chive plant coming up.  This hardy plant survived  Calgary winter!  I am very impressed. 
Once the grids were physically in place, I pulled out pen and paper and  drew up a plan for what should go where.  Thank goodness for Google search.  There is ton of helpful information out there on planning and planting  raised garden beds which is great for an apprentice.
I made a plan, and changed the plan, and made it again, and changed it again.
Until ...finally... I stopped being indecisive and got on with it.  Potatoes and carrots are in.  Tomato plants are in. And, I did plant a potato barrel as well. You can just see it peaking out from behind the black compost bin. It isn't pretty but it works.  Garlic is in and sprouting - I know, I know...I should have planted the garlic last fall but we really didn't have fall.  We went right from Indian summer to winter without passing go, surprising all the trees, which were left shivering and frozen with their leaves still on.   Those leaves hung on all winter and had to be physically removed!
 But...we do what we can here and now we water and water and water because it is very dry.   This season we went from winter directly to summer without stopping at spring and we are pining for some rain.
 Meanwhile, the poor trees and bushes are trying to catch up to Mother Nature.  I would say everything is a good two weeks behind where it was last year at this time.
Now that I've got this far, it's time to take myself off to the nursery for some plant therapy.

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