Sunday 1 September 2013

Then and Now

What started out looking like this
ended up looking like this
and isn't quite what I had in mind.  Let me explain.  The assignment was to design and execute a Christmas sock for a class I will be teaching at "Stash Needle Art Lounge" in November.  So, I sat down with pen and paper, and came up with dimensions-  leg length- which is critical, width of top opening so that various presents can be inserted, and a stubby toe - after all this isn't a sock that will be worn.  It is a sock that will be hung by the chimney with care. 
After much deliberation and much knitting, the prototype was finished and I thought...OK...pretty good.  Except, once the thing went into the washing machine for fulling, the leg length was suddenly too short, and the stubby toe had all but disappeared.   Drat and Phooey!   But with felting wool, you do take a risk.  I know this.  I gambled on the shrinkage I thought would take place.  Obviously the wool and the washing machine had other ideas.  The second sample is now on the needles with notes to myself to compensate for the way this wool felts.  I'll keep you posted and if it works out, I'll share the pattern with you.
 Next, what started out as this -
Ended up as this
Now, that's better!  These hiking boot socks turned out extremely well and will be a fun class to teach and take in September at Stash.  I like them so much, I just might make a pair for myself. 

And finally.
what started out as this - remember the potato barrel?
Has now yielded this
I'm still not quite sure about the success of this particular potato barrel, but there we are - a smaller yield than I had hoped for, but a yield nonetheless.  And the potatoes do taste delicious.  These are fresh from the digging.

The barrel has now been emptied - and today I also emptied the black compost bin so I could mix the potato soil and compost together in a pile and start a new batch of compost in the bin. I will be spreading this lovely soil mix around my perennials over the next few days.  I have to say, gardening gives a girl muscles! 

I'm starting to think about autumn since the calendar turned over to the great month of September today.  The gardening season is drawing to a close and some trees are already starting to drop leaves that crunch underfoot as we walk.  I just hope we don't have an early frost and we actually will be able to harvest some tomatoes  I have high hopes for a beautiful long autumn.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
And...that was last week.

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