Sunday 25 August 2013

About the Garden

It's a smallish garden I suppose, by world standards, at 1350 square meters.  But the imagination, the creativity, and the hard work it has taken to get it to this place is an amazing achievment when you consider the whole thing started  7 years ago with 100 feet of garden along the newly built noise barrier separating a very busy Crowchild Trail from neighbourhood houses. It was a no man's land full of thistles, dandilions, quack grass and rocks - but Oh Baby look at it now!.
The other amazing thing about this garden is that it is designed and maintained entirely by hardworking volunteers - and I mean entirely!.  I know this because I signed on as one this year and I love it.  I love  every bit of the back breaking, dandilion pulling, deadhead clipping of it and I'm learning a lot about gardening in Calgary's unique micro climate.

So, yesterday, another milestone was met in the garden and the meditation Labyrinth was officially dedicated.

 A bit of history is in order here - some 6000 bricks were all laid by Duncan and his gang once the grass and weeds had been killed and cleaned out.   After the bricks came the creepingThyme, planted by Bev, Yoshiko, Mitzi and Gail this year and it is creeping nicely thank you.  The meditation circle itself  is a replica of the Chartres labyrinth and is entered through graceful wooden archways built by Rick, and past planters filled with cheerful red geraniums.  This particular project has taken 3 years to complete but the results are amazing. - Excuse the plastic chairs - they were lined up temporarily for the dedication ceremony
And so we celebrated yesterday and invited everyone to come and celebrate with us and walk the entire garden from bottom to top, up to the rose garden, and along the wall garden, into the Shakespeare garden full of quotations from his plays on bushes and flowers. 

If you want to read more about this lovely public garden you can click(here)   p.s. Dogs are welcome - isn't that lovely?

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