Saturday 13 July 2013

The Apprentice Gardener, part 3

A bit of showing off is in order here.  The potato barrel looks to be a success, although I haven't dug in there is see if I actually have potatoes, and not just leaves trying to reach the top of the fence.  Keep your fingers crossed on that one.
The tomatoes have even come along.  But my goodness,  things are slow to grow  this year.  All we can hope for is a late frost.  And Mother Nature has hit us hard every equinox so far, so heaven only knows what will happen come September.   Celebrating the Spring Equinox we had a nasty snow storm.  Celebrating the Summer Equinox we had a devastating flood.  Some celebration!
And speaking of floods, Libby and I ventured down to the river yesterday, and tried to find our favourite paths.  It is a whole new landscape down there
This is a brand new gravel bar that has totally changed the flow of this side channel.   At least the water has changed back to a good healthy colour.

The Island used to be heavily wooded with lots of wild flowers and winding dirt paths - a lovely place to hang out.   It is now stripped bare -  a gravel and rock bar.   The force of the flood water flowing down the Bow River pushed and rolled tons of  rocks and gravel onto the Island, uprooted most of the trees, and buried everything it couldn't move.   The landscape looks like the aftermath of a landslide, except this was water, flowing, pushing, and knocking over everything in its path.  It will take some getting used to I think.  
There are some great rocks down there though - I lugged this one home for the garden just because I loved the markings on the top of it.

Meanwhile, back in the little garden - the Hen and Chicks are in bloom with little pink star flowers.
Last night we had a gentle rain - unlike some we've been experiencing - and the droplets gleaming on the leaves of the Purple Leaf Sand Cherry were so lovely, I had to share.  Here's hoping for sunshine and gentle winds for the rest of the summer.  Most of us are still quite rattled.

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