Wednesday, 28 May 2014
It's Here - Finally
Spring has finally come to the garden. The lilacs are just about open. Whoo Hoo! And today it rains. Now this is water the plants love, so bring it on today I say. Perhaps Mother Earth has decided she is over her hissy fit?
And you'll note, we have found a way around the glitch that was preventing me uploading images onto the blog but we had to be sneaky about it. took much fiddling by my son the computer geek to identify the problem and figure out how to make things happen once more. Apparently it has something to do with Mozilla's latest updates. These things are definitely sent to try me.
So...Would you like to meet Picasso?
Isn't he cute? He is Midnight's gentleman friend and they are doing extremely well together, after some initial getting to know each other. He's still pretty shy, but very clever and certainly knows when the frig door opens the carrots are coming out.
This morning Libby and I put on rain gear and ventured over to the dog park for some serious play time
There is a lovely patch of bright yellow buffalo beans in bloom right in the middle of the field. Right after I took these shots one of the dogs came over and laid down right in the middle of It. Buffalo beans are tough though and don't seem to mind a bit of trampling. A good time was had by all.
A bit of knitting to end off. This leaf blanket is actually a baby blanket, - knit in Spud and Cloe Outer (thick cotton/wool blend yarn) in the shape of a big leaf in which to enfold baby. We are having a new baby in our family.
And that was my week. I am living a small life these days - creative - but small.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
This, That and the other thing
Well, I was going to show you all this in photographs - but words will have to suffice as the image link on the blogs seem to be broken at the moment. goes as short wordy post - We have a new Rabbit - He moved in about 5 days ago to keep Midnight company because - well,, it's spring and she was pining for a face that looked like hers.
Midnight is our wee black lop - gorgeous creature, neat, fastidious and has a mind of her own. She's been known to rush at my ankle growling as I move to put pellets in her food dish - I think she does this just for the fun of it but it is a bit startling.
She and Libby the border collie get on extremely well for the most part. Libby loves to watch and Midnight seems to like being watched. Every so often, Midnight takes off like a small black bomb, racing around the couch. She does this to liven things up - because Libby is on her like a magnet, racing behind her.
But, she was lonely for her own kind, and pining, so we started looking through the bunny profiles at the animal shelter to see if we could find her a companion. Our criteria was - male, neutered (no baby bunnies on the way here please), maybe a lop but that part wasn't so important.
Enter Picasso- our new little guy is a gorgeous mink colour, light sand shading down to brown with ears that sit straight up on his head like TV antenna's. At first Midnight was sort of horrified that this stranger was in her space and she set out immediately to put him in his place and show him just who is the boss around here.
That accomplished, they played a lively game of chase me, under the watchful eye of the border collie who was quite fascinated by the whole exercise. As the days and nights have gone on in their little rabbit world, they have become quite close - sitting cuddled together on the rug and looking for all the world like butter wouldn't even melt in either of their mouths. And Picasso even dared to steal Midnight's treat right out of her mouth - that took courage.
And that brings me to the garden - the other pictures I wanted to post today.
The salad garden has been planted in the raised beds - lettuce, green onions, lots of carrots and mesclun for spice. Tulips are up and ready to bloom finally.
Rabbit droppings make wonderful fertilizer - this was in evidence last year when the tomato plants took off and grew into a three foot tangle of green leaves and fruit.
Spring is finally here - late but welcome. Pictures next post, hopefully goes as short wordy post - We have a new Rabbit - He moved in about 5 days ago to keep Midnight company because - well,, it's spring and she was pining for a face that looked like hers.
Midnight is our wee black lop - gorgeous creature, neat, fastidious and has a mind of her own. She's been known to rush at my ankle growling as I move to put pellets in her food dish - I think she does this just for the fun of it but it is a bit startling.
She and Libby the border collie get on extremely well for the most part. Libby loves to watch and Midnight seems to like being watched. Every so often, Midnight takes off like a small black bomb, racing around the couch. She does this to liven things up - because Libby is on her like a magnet, racing behind her.
But, she was lonely for her own kind, and pining, so we started looking through the bunny profiles at the animal shelter to see if we could find her a companion. Our criteria was - male, neutered (no baby bunnies on the way here please), maybe a lop but that part wasn't so important.
Enter Picasso- our new little guy is a gorgeous mink colour, light sand shading down to brown with ears that sit straight up on his head like TV antenna's. At first Midnight was sort of horrified that this stranger was in her space and she set out immediately to put him in his place and show him just who is the boss around here.
That accomplished, they played a lively game of chase me, under the watchful eye of the border collie who was quite fascinated by the whole exercise. As the days and nights have gone on in their little rabbit world, they have become quite close - sitting cuddled together on the rug and looking for all the world like butter wouldn't even melt in either of their mouths. And Picasso even dared to steal Midnight's treat right out of her mouth - that took courage.
And that brings me to the garden - the other pictures I wanted to post today.
The salad garden has been planted in the raised beds - lettuce, green onions, lots of carrots and mesclun for spice. Tulips are up and ready to bloom finally.
Rabbit droppings make wonderful fertilizer - this was in evidence last year when the tomato plants took off and grew into a three foot tangle of green leaves and fruit.
Spring is finally here - late but welcome. Pictures next post, hopefully
Monday, 12 May 2014
New Lace
I bought the lovely hand dyed merino and silk blend from the Malabrigo company to make a pair of socks actually, and then discovered the colours were not coming up in stripes or even blending, but rather looking like camouflage in two shades of blue - I'm sure I detected the map of Italy as I was working my way down the leg from the cuff. It was not good!
So...out the stitches came, the yarn was rolled up and tossed unceremoniously back into the basket.
And then I was roaming around the incredible Ravelry site one day and happened upon a lovely crochet shawl - The Elise Shawl it was called. If you're interested you can find it as a free pattern on Ravelry. Hmmm I thought to myself - what about using that lovely yarn for this lovely crochet shawl.
Here it is, finished and waiting to have ends tailed sign of any maps of sign of Camouflage, but my oh my does it need blocking. No surprise there. Lace, whether it is knit or crochet, usually needs to be blocked to show off its beauty.
First step - into the sink.
I added a small squirt of Ivory dish soap to the tepid water in the sink, but Eucolan wool wash works beautifully too - I just didn't happen to have any, and I was impatient to get started.
I gently laid the shawl on top of the water and let it absorb and sink down. No swishing or swooshing is necessary - maybe just a gentle squeeze to make sure the piece is wet through.
Once that happened I got out my handy dandy colander from the kitchen cupboard and scooped the shawl into it.
I drained the water out of the sink, left the colander in the sink, and gently pressed water out.
Then, I transferred the whole thing to a waiting towel on the floor - you make due when you don't have a lot of space
It doesn't look like much of anything here does it - a soaking wet blob - which I rolled in the towel, pressing out moisture as I rolled the towel up.
Next came the fun part- the actually pinning and blocking. I have to do this kind of thing on the floor..I placed a couple of towels down first, and then covered them with a clean sheet to work on and got out the pins.
It is really important not to hurry the process here. I laid out the shawl, gently straightening it and patting it with my hands until the top was more or less straight. Then I started pinning out the picots one at a time, sticking the long pins down through the padding so they would stay - one side and up the other
.Once I had it more or less the way I wanted it to look it was a case of making tiny adjustments to the top and picots ...and then...standing up, closing up the pin box and walking away.
It is important to let lace ...or any piece of handwork you make - dry thoroughly before unpinning it. Step away, make some tea, go for a walk - ignore it. It won't be ready to unpin for a few hours. In this case, I actually left it over the weekend.
It was worth the wait.
So...out the stitches came, the yarn was rolled up and tossed unceremoniously back into the basket.
And then I was roaming around the incredible Ravelry site one day and happened upon a lovely crochet shawl - The Elise Shawl it was called. If you're interested you can find it as a free pattern on Ravelry. Hmmm I thought to myself - what about using that lovely yarn for this lovely crochet shawl.
Here it is, finished and waiting to have ends tailed sign of any maps of sign of Camouflage, but my oh my does it need blocking. No surprise there. Lace, whether it is knit or crochet, usually needs to be blocked to show off its beauty.
First step - into the sink.
I added a small squirt of Ivory dish soap to the tepid water in the sink, but Eucolan wool wash works beautifully too - I just didn't happen to have any, and I was impatient to get started.
I gently laid the shawl on top of the water and let it absorb and sink down. No swishing or swooshing is necessary - maybe just a gentle squeeze to make sure the piece is wet through.
Once that happened I got out my handy dandy colander from the kitchen cupboard and scooped the shawl into it.
I drained the water out of the sink, left the colander in the sink, and gently pressed water out.
Then, I transferred the whole thing to a waiting towel on the floor - you make due when you don't have a lot of space
It doesn't look like much of anything here does it - a soaking wet blob - which I rolled in the towel, pressing out moisture as I rolled the towel up.
Next came the fun part- the actually pinning and blocking. I have to do this kind of thing on the floor..I placed a couple of towels down first, and then covered them with a clean sheet to work on and got out the pins.

.Once I had it more or less the way I wanted it to look it was a case of making tiny adjustments to the top and picots ...and then...standing up, closing up the pin box and walking away.
It is important to let lace ...or any piece of handwork you make - dry thoroughly before unpinning it. Step away, make some tea, go for a walk - ignore it. It won't be ready to unpin for a few hours. In this case, I actually left it over the weekend.
It was worth the wait.
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Saturday morning walk in May
Snow started falling during the night - I estimate we have about 10-15 centimeters and it is still coming down. But it isn't cold - the temperature is hovering around zero, and the snow is sticky, fluffy and wet.. Libby and I had a wonderful walk through the neighbourhood.
The man on the end of the shovel wished us a Merry Christmas as he continued working on his driveway. Libby was kept very busy sniffing for stuff - where the wild rabbits had been in the night, if another dog had been this way - if, even, god forbid, a cat had dared to walk there. We wound our way down the streets and up the alleys and then across the school yard. There is no wind so the snow is falling straight down, decorating the branches and weighing down the evergreens.
If I was in the business of producing gorgeous Christmas card photos, today would have been the day. Even the garden hose winder looks like a piece of art.
Libby as we all know, loves this kind of weather - it suits her much better than warm days and green grass when all she wants to do is get to water and cool her belly. So once we got back to the house, a session with the snow shovel was in order. Now, it's impossible to throw shovel fulls of snow and take here is one from earlier this year...but you get the idea.
looks like fun doesn't it?
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